
Want to learn Artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 5 and C++?

Yeah! let's start it!

This is a complete course for those who want to learn AI in UE5 and C++. here we will use C++ and Unreal Engine together to make it more powerful.

I will start everything from beginning very simple, then we will jump into intermediate and advance topics.

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages in the world, and Unreal Engine 5 is an gaming engine famous for creating games like Fortnite, Borderlands 3, Observer, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. so using these two powerful tools can make your dreams come true.

in this course we will cover following topics:

1. C++ Basics:

  1. Build first C++ Program

  2. Compile and Errors

  3. Variables and Constants

  4. Arrays

  5. Expressions and Statements

  6. Operations

  7. If – else Statement

  8. Looping

  9. Functions

  10. Pointers

2. Creating a secrete maker program using C++

3. Unreal Engine 5 Basics:

  1. Introduction

  2. Installing

  3. User Interface

  4. Navigation and camera control

  5. Viewport Settings

  6. Creating and Transforming objects

  7. Post Process Volume

  8. Materials

  9. Texture and its types

  10. Lighting

  11. Lumen

  12. Landscape

  13. Landscape Materials

  14. MegaScans Library

  15. Foliage System

4. Using C++ and UE5 together (simple car game)

  1. Classes in Unreal Engine 5

  2. PAWN class

  3. UE5 Actor Components

  4. Forward Declaration

  5. Creating objects and Components


  7. Mesh, Camera and Spring Arm components

  8. Possessing A Pawn as game player

  9. Input (Bind Axis and Bind Action)

  10. UE_LOG

  11. Add Actor Local Offset

  12. Frame rate and Delta time

  13. Add Actor Local Rotation

  14. Rotator and FVector

5. Creating a game map

6. Shooter Game

  1. Character class

  2. Character Movement Functions

  3. Animation blueprint and Blend space

  4. Actor class

  5. Spawning Actor

  6. Attach to component

  7. Shooting function

  8. Particle Effects

  9. Line Tracing

  10. Take Damage

  11. Virtual Take Damage function and receiving the damage

  12. Health variables

  13. IsDead function

  14. Death animation

7. AI in Unreal Engine 5 and C++

  1. AI controller class

  2. Set focus

  3. AI Movement:

  4. Nav Mesh

  5. MoveToActor

  6. LineOfSightTo

  7. Behavior Tree

  8. BT Tasks

  9. BT Decorators

  10. Blackboard Keys

  11. BTTaskNode

  12. Shoot Task

  13. FCollisionQueryParams

8. Game Details

  1. Sound Effects

  2. GameMode

  3. Player Controller

  4. Widgets

  5. LoserScreen

  6. Game HUD

  7. Health bar

  8. Field of view of camera

  9. Animation State Machine

9. Advance Game AI

  1. Full AI people control system

  2. Full AI Control cars

  3. Car Driving

  4. Car Damage and Exploding

  5. Spawning damaged car

  6. Strong AI Enemy

10. Finalizing the Game


Want to learn Artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 5 and C++?

Yeah! let's start it!

This is a complete course for those who want to learn AI in UE5 and C++. here we will use C++ and Unreal Engine together to make it more powerful.

I will start everything from beginning very simple, then we will jump into intermediate and advance topics.

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages in the world, and Unreal Engine 5 is an gaming engine famous for creating games like Fortnite, Borderlands 3, Observer, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. so using these two powerful tools can make your dreams come true.

in this course we will cover following topics:

1. C++ Basics:

  1. Build first C++ Program

  2. Compile and Errors

  3. Variables and Constants

  4. Arrays

  5. Expressions and Statements

  6. Operations

  7. If – else Statement

  8. Looping

  9. Functions

  10. Pointers

2. Creating a secrete maker program using C++

3. Unreal Engine 5 Basics:

  1. Introduction

  2. Installing

  3. User Interface

  4. Navigation and camera control

  5. Viewport Settings

  6. Creating and Transforming objects

  7. Post Process Volume

  8. Materials

  9. Texture and its types

  10. Lighting

  11. Lumen

  12. Landscape

  13. Landscape Materials

  14. MegaScans Library

  15. Foliage System

4. Using C++ and UE5 together (simple car game)

  1. Classes in Unreal Engine 5

  2. PAWN class

  3. UE5 Actor Components

  4. Forward Declaration

  5. Creating objects and Components


  7. Mesh, Camera and Spring Arm components

  8. Possessing A Pawn as game player

  9. Input (Bind Axis and Bind Action)

  10. UE_LOG

  11. Add Actor Local Offset

  12. Frame rate and Delta time

  13. Add Actor Local Rotation

  14. Rotator and FVector

5. Creating a game map

6. Shooter Game

  1. Character class

  2. Character Movement Functions

  3. Animation blueprint and Blend space

  4. Actor class

  5. Spawning Actor

  6. Attach to component

  7. Shooting function

  8. Particle Effects

  9. Line Tracing

  10. Take Damage

  11. Virtual Take Damage function and receiving the damage

  12. Health variables

  13. IsDead function

  14. Death animation

7. AI in Unreal Engine 5 and C++

  1. AI controller class

  2. Set focus

  3. AI Movement:

  4. Nav Mesh

  5. MoveToActor

  6. LineOfSightTo

  7. Behavior Tree

  8. BT Tasks

  9. BT Decorators

  10. Blackboard Keys

  11. BTTaskNode

  12. Shoot Task

  13. FCollisionQueryParams

8. Game Details

  1. Sound Effects

  2. GameMode

  3. Player Controller

  4. Widgets

  5. LoserScreen

  6. Game HUD

  7. Health bar

  8. Field of view of camera

  9. Animation State Machine

9. Advance Game AI

  1. Full AI people control system

  2. Full AI Control cars

  3. Car Driving

  4. Car Damage and Exploding

  5. Spawning damaged car

  6. Strong AI Enemy

10. Finalizing the Game


Welcome to "Zombie Escape," a comprehensive course designed for beginner to intermediate level game developers, guiding you step-by-step through creating an immersive Point & Click 3D game using Unity's powerful NavMesh system.

In this course, you will:

  • Implement Point & Click player movement with Unity's NavMesh Agent and create smooth animations based on velocity

  • Develop a versatile Finite State Machine (FSM) in C# to control enemy behaviors such as Patrol, Idle, Chase, Attack, and Standby

  • Build a geomorphic-style procedural level generator and leverage Unity's NavMesh Surface for A* Pathfinding in dynamically generated environments

  • Configure NavMesh Agents, Obstacles, Modifiers, Areas, and Agent Types to create realistic and challenging gameplay

  • Design intelligent enemy flocking behaviors, ensuring enemies surround the player while waiting for their turn to attack

  • Create enemy Spawn Nests with customizable rules for activation, enemy types, and rewards

  • Utilize ScriptableObjects for effective organization and memory optimization

  • Implement a Singleton script to manage health, inventory, and upgrades across multiple scenes and levels

  • Design comprehensive Health & Combat systems to make your game fully playable and enjoyable

By the end of this course, you'll have gained the skills and knowledge to create your own captivating 3D games using Unity's NavMesh system, and you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced game development challenges. Join us on this exciting journey and create your own Zombie Escape today!


Welcome to "Zombie Escape," a comprehensive course designed for beginner to intermediate level game developers, guiding you step-by-step through creating an immersive Point & Click 3D game using Unity's powerful NavMesh system.

In this course, you will:

  • Implement Point & Click player movement with Unity's NavMesh Agent and create smooth animations based on velocity

  • Develop a versatile Finite State Machine (FSM) in C# to control enemy behaviors such as Patrol, Idle, Chase, Attack, and Standby

  • Build a geomorphic-style procedural level generator and leverage Unity's NavMesh Surface for A* Pathfinding in dynamically generated environments

  • Configure NavMesh Agents, Obstacles, Modifiers, Areas, and Agent Types to create realistic and challenging gameplay

  • Design intelligent enemy flocking behaviors, ensuring enemies surround the player while waiting for their turn to attack

  • Create enemy Spawn Nests with customizable rules for activation, enemy types, and rewards

  • Utilize ScriptableObjects for effective organization and memory optimization

  • Implement a Singleton script to manage health, inventory, and upgrades across multiple scenes and levels

  • Design comprehensive Health & Combat systems to make your game fully playable and enjoyable

By the end of this course, you'll have gained the skills and knowledge to create your own captivating 3D games using Unity's NavMesh system, and you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced game development challenges. Join us on this exciting journey and create your own Zombie Escape today!


By the end of this course you will implement your own AI System.

Find out the key components of a professional Game AI: Decision Making, Pathfinding and Compete & Collaborate.

Decision Making

Realtime decision making is one of the key components when creating a solid Game AI.

There are many ways to achieve this, be it either Finite State Machines, Behavior Trees, Planning.

The course focuses on Hierarchical Finite State Machines, an improvement over the original State Machines.

HFSM are currently used in modern games like Doom 2016. They are easy to understand and powerful.


Learn how a Finite State Machine works and how to use a Hierarchical State Machine for your own game project.


Once a decision is made, the AI Agent needs to move from A to B. Here is where pathfinding comes into play.

In these days, the pathfinding component is integrated in the game engine itself.

In the hands-on project we will make use of Godot's Navmesh System.

This course also focuses on teaching the core concepts of how a pathfinder works.


Learn how a pathfinder works and how to create one from 0.

Find out how to use Godot's Navmesh in a Game AI project.

Discover how to create cover points and use them accordingly when picking a final destination.

Compete & Collaborate

The last piece of the puzzle of a great AI is also in this course!

Having the AI Agents not only detect what's around them by using sensors but also communicate between is a must in modern games.


Learn how to implement range, field of view, raycast, hit detection and communication.

Find out how to give unique personalities to your AI Agents for a superior game experience

AI Personality: Aggressive

Meet the Agressive AI! Made to seek & kill with a low chance of retreat, this is the perfect killing machine!

It's main features are a linear projectile, a range sensor combined with raycast and a low chance of retreat.


Learn how to put together an AI Agent that seeks to kill.

AI Personality: Defensive

Combining attacking with defense is another way to approach a fight. And this is how this AI operates.

Its main features are rocket projectiles, range/raycast sensors and a 50-50% attack/retreat chance.


Learn how to put together a balanced AI Agent that not only seeks the target but also the nearest good cover.

AI Personality: Tactical

This AI never attacks directly. By having a long range sensor and no raycast, once the enemy is detected a vantage point will be also determined.

The Tactical AI goes to cover, adjusts for missed hits and fires a long-range projectile.


Learn how to put together an AI Agent that uses long-range projectiles, adjusts for errors.

Full Game AI Project Included

You will get not only the examples, but also a full project that features an AI System ready to be used in a game - yes, yours included!

What you will be getting:

  • Relevant examples for each implementation part

  • Full modular project that you can explore and reuse for your game

  • Hierarchical Finite State Machines are used to implement the AI logic

  • Documented Source Code files in C#

  • 3 Types of AIs: Aggressive, Defensive and Tactical

  • 3 Projectile Types: Shell, Rocket and Mortar

  • 2 Types of Firing mode: Normal and Burst

  • 2 Patrol modes: Waypoints, Random Movement (interchangeable at runtime)

  • AI Communication System - propagate information between agents

  • Full Player Movement and Firing System

  • Game Assets - Buildings, Tanks and props

  • Everything properly organized in a tidy file structure, prefabs, modular components and more


By the end of this course you will implement your own AI System.

Find out the key components of a professional Game AI: Decision Making, Pathfinding and Compete & Collaborate.

Decision Making

Realtime decision making is one of the key components when creating a solid Game AI.

There are many ways to achieve this, be it either Finite State Machines, Behavior Trees, Planning.

The course focuses on Hierarchical Finite State Machines, an improvement over the original State Machines.

HFSM are currently used in modern games like Doom 2016. They are easy to understand and powerful.


Learn how a Finite State Machine works and how to use a Hierarchical State Machine for your own game project.


Once a decision is made, the AI Agent needs to move from A to B. Here is where pathfinding comes into play.

In these days, the pathfinding component is integrated in the game engine itself.

In the hands-on project we will make use of Godot's Navmesh System.

This course also focuses on teaching the core concepts of how a pathfinder works.


Learn how a pathfinder works and how to create one from 0.

Find out how to use Godot's Navmesh in a Game AI project.

Discover how to create cover points and use them accordingly when picking a final destination.

Compete & Collaborate

The last piece of the puzzle of a great AI is also in this course!

Having the AI Agents not only detect what's around them by using sensors but also communicate between is a must in modern games.


Learn how to implement range, field of view, raycast, hit detection and communication.

Find out how to give unique personalities to your AI Agents for a superior game experience

AI Personality: Aggressive

Meet the Agressive AI! Made to seek & kill with a low chance of retreat, this is the perfect killing machine!

It's main features are a linear projectile, a range sensor combined with raycast and a low chance of retreat.


Learn how to put together an AI Agent that seeks to kill.

AI Personality: Defensive

Combining attacking with defense is another way to approach a fight. And this is how this AI operates.

Its main features are rocket projectiles, range/raycast sensors and a 50-50% attack/retreat chance.


Learn how to put together a balanced AI Agent that not only seeks the target but also the nearest good cover.

AI Personality: Tactical

This AI never attacks directly. By having a long range sensor and no raycast, once the enemy is detected a vantage point will be also determined.

The Tactical AI goes to cover, adjusts for missed hits and fires a long-range projectile.


Learn how to put together an AI Agent that uses long-range projectiles, adjusts for errors.

Full Game AI Project Included

You will get not only the examples, but also a full project that features an AI System ready to be used in a game - yes, yours included!

What you will be getting:

  • Relevant examples for each implementation part

  • Full modular project that you can explore and reuse for your game

  • Hierarchical Finite State Machines are used to implement the AI logic

  • Documented Source Code files in C#

  • 3 Types of AIs: Aggressive, Defensive and Tactical

  • 3 Projectile Types: Shell, Rocket and Mortar

  • 2 Types of Firing mode: Normal and Burst

  • 2 Patrol modes: Waypoints, Random Movement (interchangeable at runtime)

  • AI Communication System - propagate information between agents

  • Full Player Movement and Firing System

  • Game Assets - Buildings, Tanks and props

  • Everything properly organized in a tidy file structure, prefabs, modular components and more


Ever wanted to take navmeshes off the level and extend them into 3D space? The techniques revealed in this course will show you how to use Octrees to recursively divide space for use with the A* algorithm to find paths from one location to another. Throughout, you will follow along in the Unity game engine to develop a project that creates and visualises Octrees in carving up the space around game objects before developing an automatic navigating AI character that uses A* for pathfinding.

The course includes:

  • Octree and Tree Graph Theory

  • Waypoint Graph Theory

  • The practical application of Octrees in space dividing, in a 3D Unity environment

  • A close-up look and implementation of the A* algorithm

  • The development of AI characters that independently navigate 3D space

By the end of this course, you will have a thorough appreciation of the power of Octrees and their use in 3D pathfinding and be able to implement them in Unity to develop your own AI characters with auto-navigation.

What others are saying about Penny's courses:

  • This course is amazing! Penny has got to be, hands down, one of the best instructors on game development, Unity, and C#! In the span of three hours, I have learned so much that it rivals my graduate program!

  • Best Unity class I've taken.

  • Wow, the most fun I've ever had coding! For the first time since taking numerous online courses over a 4 year span, I took on all of Penny's challenges successfully. Personally, I feel as though I am making progress, and this is thanks to her professional teaching ability.


Ever wanted to take navmeshes off the level and extend them into 3D space? The techniques revealed in this course will show you how to use Octrees to recursively divide space for use with the A* algorithm to find paths from one location to another. Throughout, you will follow along in the Unity game engine to develop a project that creates and visualises Octrees in carving up the space around game objects before developing an automatic navigating AI character that uses A* for pathfinding.

The course includes:

  • Octree and Tree Graph Theory

  • Waypoint Graph Theory

  • The practical application of Octrees in space dividing, in a 3D Unity environment

  • A close-up look and implementation of the A* algorithm

  • The development of AI characters that independently navigate 3D space

By the end of this course, you will have a thorough appreciation of the power of Octrees and their use in 3D pathfinding and be able to implement them in Unity to develop your own AI characters with auto-navigation.

What others are saying about Penny's courses:

  • This course is amazing! Penny has got to be, hands down, one of the best instructors on game development, Unity, and C#! In the span of three hours, I have learned so much that it rivals my graduate program!

  • Best Unity class I've taken.

  • Wow, the most fun I've ever had coding! For the first time since taking numerous online courses over a 4 year span, I took on all of Penny's challenges successfully. Personally, I feel as though I am making progress, and this is thanks to her professional teaching ability.


In this course you will learn how to develop 3d mobile games using unity game engine. In this course you will learn and develop 3d car racing game using unity 3d game engine for mobile phones.

Racing games are a video game genre in which the player participates in a racing competition. They may be based on anything from real-world racing leagues to fantastical settings. They are distributed along a spectrum between more realistic racing simulations and more fantastical arcade-style racing games.

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as a Mac OS X-exclusive game engine. The first use case is that Unity makes iOS, Android app development quicker and easier in many situations. For example, Unity lets you use C# rather than Java or Kotlin. While C# isn't to everyone's tastes, it is generally considered a little simpler to get to grips with versus Java. You can simultaneously and effortlessly build for iOS and Android (and other platforms) in the cloud. And since Cloud Build is integrated with Collaborate, it works seamlessly for your entire team. Unity is a multi-platform environment and works great for creating cross-platform AR/VR applications, mobile games, console games, due to the possibility to create 3D graphics with a relatively small amount of work in a very easy way without extensive programming knowledge needed.


In this course you will learn how to develop 3d mobile games using unity game engine. In this course you will learn and develop 3d car racing game using unity 3d game engine for mobile phones.

Racing games are a video game genre in which the player participates in a racing competition. They may be based on anything from real-world racing leagues to fantastical settings. They are distributed along a spectrum between more realistic racing simulations and more fantastical arcade-style racing games.

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as a Mac OS X-exclusive game engine. The first use case is that Unity makes iOS, Android app development quicker and easier in many situations. For example, Unity lets you use C# rather than Java or Kotlin. While C# isn't to everyone's tastes, it is generally considered a little simpler to get to grips with versus Java. You can simultaneously and effortlessly build for iOS and Android (and other platforms) in the cloud. And since Cloud Build is integrated with Collaborate, it works seamlessly for your entire team. Unity is a multi-platform environment and works great for creating cross-platform AR/VR applications, mobile games, console games, due to the possibility to create 3D graphics with a relatively small amount of work in a very easy way without extensive programming knowledge needed.